Monday, September 15, 2008

Craw Craw

Once there was a little bird named "Craw Craw". Craw Craw was a small and insignificant little bird, but despite this, he was renown for his love of ice cream. He loved all sorts of ice cream...chocolate ice cream, roast beef ice cream, lady bug ice cream. One day, Craw Craw went to the freezer to get some delicious lady bug ice cream. Upon opening the freezer, he was startled to see that there was no lady bug ice cream!!! "AUGHHHH!!!" stated Craw Craw. Craw Craw immediately rushed to the nearest store and asked the store man, "Do you have any delicious lady bug ice cream?" "No.", said the store man.

Craw Craw ran to every store in the land. "Do you have any delicious lady bug ice cream?", he asked to all the store men and women. "No", is all they replied. Craw Craw was devestated. Craw Craw sulked home in defeat.

At home, mommy Craw Craw asked Craw Craw, "Craw Craw, what seems to be the matter?" "There is no more delicious lady bug ice cream in all the land", he cried. Mommy Craw Craw laughed and laughed, "Silly little Craw Craw, I bought the last carton of delicious lady bug ice cream this afternoon, and here it is!" Craw Craw was overjoyed as he devoured the entire carton of delicious lady bug ice cream.

The end.

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