Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The land of Heranow...

Once upon a time there was a land of many people called Heranow. The land was very old and there were many wonderful things associated with the land. There were businesses of every sort, and entertainment of all types. There were many types of Heranows living in the land and they were very happy. Every Heranowian did their part to make the land a good place to live. Even those who didn't do much, took care of themselves and did not get in the way of the other Heranowians living in industry and peace.

Eventually, there crept in those into the leadership council that did not like the way that Heranow was run. They were unhappy citizens who thought that they knew better, how to run the land. This did not bother the rest of the Heranowians because they knew what was right, and thought that things would never change.

Sadly, those disgruntled ones gathered their friends into the leadership council. The disgruntled ones promised their friends power and control over the rest of the Heranowians. They held parties and told each other how wonderful they were, and how unintelligent the rest of the people were. They planned long and hard for the day that they would take complete control of Heranow. They knew that they could not do it in one day, but would take a long time...after all, diamonds aren't made in a day.

The disgruntled ones made it easier for their friends to make Druin, which was the currency of the land. The disgruntled ones made more and more friends, because it was secretly known that if you were a friend of the disgruntled ones, you would be able to get ahead easier in the land.

Quietly they waited and planned. Quietly they made little moves until soon, they were entrenched and could not be removed by the vote of the people. There quickly developed two classes of people. The workers and the takers.

This once great land was now marginalized. A time came when the voice of the people was to be heard regarding who should be the great leader of the land. The choices came down to two citizens. One was the leader of the Disgruntled ones. He was called, "The Chief Taker." His goal was to finally take complete control of the leadership. The other citizen was called, "The Chief Worker." Unfortunately for the rest of the Hereanowians, The Chief Worker was really an old and lazy taker at heart. This saddened the Hereanowians, because they wanted to have a true leader to make the land the way it was.

Unfortunately, the success of the disgruntled ones was total. The disgruntled ones colored greed on every post, on every docket, and on every flyer. Heranowians could look nowhere without seeing the things that the disgruntled ones wanted them to see. The largest part of the Heranowians began to believe the things that the disgruntled ones taught them. They did not remember how great the land had been. They were only interrested in that which made them "happy." This was the key to the disgruntled one's success.

And so on went the land, sliding lower and lower on the horizon. No one knows what happened to the land of the Heranowians. They supposed that it went the way of so many other cultures that have come and gone. Perhaps there were a few who remembered the golden days of Heranow. Perhaps they were able to wake the others from the slumber of self-centeredness. Perhaps...

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