Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Four tacos for Donald...

There once was a small boy named Donald. Donald was five years old and lived in a abandoned ice cream maker with six cats. This may not seem like much, but Donald was small for his young age and did not seem to mind. Donald was very poor and realized that he was lucky, for some did not even have a nice ice cream maker to live in.

Donald was a particular young man, in that he only liked tacos to eat. This may not seem too odd, except for the fact that Donald ate the tacos for breakfast, lunch and dinner...every day. One wonders where a small poor boy would come up with the money for such a meal, but that is not the subject of this story. Besides, it's rude to ask such things.

One day, Donald went to the taco store and asked for "the ususal." Of course the taco man knew what the usual was and began to make up the tacos. "Where do you live little Donald?" asked the taco man. "I have a nice home, which is of course not any of your business." Donald said. The taco man thought about this for a while. He decided that he would follow little Donald home and see where he lived.

The taco man placed the items in a small brown bag and handed it to Donald. Donald proceeded to return to his ice cream maker, with the taco man in secret pursuit. When Donald got home, he sat down in the dilapidated machine. The taco man was astounded and saddened by what he saw.

Donald opened the brown paper bag and retrieved the foil wrapped tacos. Upon opening the wrapper, Donald's eyes opened wide. "There are only three tacos in this bag!" he exclaimed. Donald was angry. I have gone to that same taco man for several years now, and this is how he treats me?!?" Donald's six cats peered hungrily into the bag and also looked quizzical...not because they could count and realized that there was a desparity between the usual amount of tacos in the bag and the amount in the bag today, but because it is a fairly common thing for cats to do. I don't know why, they just do.

Donald stood up from the ice cream maker and stormed back to the taco store. Seeing this, the taco man snuck away and ran all the way back to the taco store, in order to get there before Donald. Now knowing that Donald was without a decent home, the taco man could not bear to let it continue another day.

Donald finally reached the taco store and slammed the door open with a strong push. "What's the meaning of this?!?!?" demanded the boy. "I come to you for tacos three times a day for the last several days, and THIS is how you repay me?!?!? I should just find me another taco store to patronize. I seem to have enough money for tacos every day, of which I am not going to go into how exactly I receive such funds and you should not ask because it's rude. Apparently you don't need my money, of which nobody seems to know how I gain funds, despite being a poor five year old kid who lives in an ice cream machine with six...count them...SIX cats!"

The taco man laughed, which made Donald all the more angry. "Oh, little Donald. I gave you three tacos so that I could follow you home and see where you lived. I knew that you would come back to the taco store and I would then speak with you about your home." Donald's face got a strange little look on it. "Please, little Donald, I have a home with a kind wife, and a little daughter who is just your age. Won't you come home with us and live as our son?"

With that, little Donald ran to the taco man and threw his arms around him. "Of course, I'll come live with you." cried Donald. "You can make me tacos every day, and I will do chores around the house." Donald looked happily into the taco man's eyes and said, "Can I bring my six cats with me to your home?"

"Nope." said that man. And they lived happily every after. Except for the cats.

The end.

The moral: Four tacos are ok, but three just might get you a home.

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