Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The ticket in my pocket...

I sat in the chair, completely confused. It had just happened and left my mind reeling. Where had it come from. Where had I been where someone had slipped it into my pocket. It wasn't mine. It couldn't have been. I remember ironing my shirt. It wasn't there when I starched and pressed it. I'm certain of it. I'm pretty sure I ironed it anyway.

So there I sat, completely befuddled by the ticket in my hand. How could this ticket have gotten into my pocket? I didn't go to the movie. I didn't remember it at least. Wouldn't you remember having gone to the theater and sat through and entire feature film? You'd have to. After all, there is no possible way to go to a movie, purchase a ticket with your credit card, buy popcorn and a soda (a consistent tradition in my moviegoing endeavors) and sit in the chair with your feet stuck to the floor, without KNOWING that you ACTUALLY went to the movie.

The evidence was there in my hand. The ticket bearing the movie's title. The time, the date, the rate I'd apparently paid for the opportunity to witness the feature length film. It was maddening!

Could it have been that I ACTUALLY DID go to that movie and just don't remember?!?!? How is that possible? Am I the victim of some jungle disease that rots your brain and makes you forget such things as purchasing movie tickets for movies that you then later attended? Is this some type of governmetal conspiracy, the likes of the ones I'd seen in movies that I actually recall attending?

The movie. The title. That sounds like a really stupid movie. I saw the trailer. It looked totally lame. There were singing ducks. I hate singing ducks. I'm pretty sure that there are no singing ducks in reality and therefore have no desire to see such computer generated fabrications. There is no way that I would waste eight bucks for that movie, or six during a matinee. It wasn't a matinee, so I actually would have wasted the eight! Madness, I say!

I sat. I pondered. I sweat. I had a snack. It was pretty good.

So, here I sit. I ponder. I sweat. I've gotta fix the air conditioning. The snack is gone. It was pretty good. Maybe, I'll never know. Perhaps, I'll never know.

Hey. Dude...this isn't my shirt...

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